ear.s 367 B

  1. .text
  2. .global _start
  3. _start:
  4. br _start
  5. #test old-style toe _EAR_ syms
  6. .section .toe,"a",@nobits
  7. .p2align 4
  8. _EAR_:
  9. .space 16
  10. _EAR_bar:
  11. .space 16
  12. #test new-style _EAR_ syms
  13. .data
  14. .p2align 4
  15. _EAR_main:
  16. .space 16
  17. #new ones don't need to be 16 bytes apart
  18. .space 16
  19. _EAR_foo:
  20. .space 16
  21. .section .data.blah,"aw",@progbits
  22. .p2align 4
  23. _EAR_blah:
  24. .space 16