arm_cortex_a8_blx.s 516 B

  1. .syntax unified
  2. .cpu cortex-a8
  3. .text
  4. .align 12
  5. _start:
  6. .type _start,%function
  7. bx lr
  8. .size _start,.-_start
  9. .align 8
  10. .global _func
  11. .type _func,%function
  12. _func:
  13. bx lr
  14. .size _func,.-_func
  15. .align 11
  16. .space 2042
  17. .align 1
  18. .thumb
  19. .global _test
  20. .type _test,%function
  21. _test:
  22. add.w r0, r0, 0
  23. blx _func
  24. .size _test,.-_test
  25. # We have no mapping symbols for stubs. This make the disassembler
  26. # list the stub correctly in ARM mode.
  27. .align 2
  28. .arm
  29. # Align stub table for address matching.
  30. .align 12